The team were absolutely fantastic at @satellitesasc Last Chance Gala this weekend! Team spirit was high, and there were so many great swims! Thanks to Beth, Gary and Martin for Coach/Team Manger skills and to all of our Officials who volunteered and made sure the gala went smoothly. Well done to the multiple duck winners ! Great skills!
Here are the medals from day 1:
400 IM - Imogen ,Thomas B
50 Breast - Etta
100 Free - James
200 Fly - Olivia
200 Back - James
100 Back - Seraphina , Sophia
, Mollie
, Daisy
50 Fly - James
200 Free - Thomas R , Toby
100 Fly - Olivia
50 Breast - Corey
200 Back - Seraphina , Megan
, Hannah
50 Free - Etta , Mollie
100 IM - Thomas R , Thomas B
200 Breast - Sophia
A huge well done to our Arena Team who swam amazingly last night in the B Final at Macclesfield!
We totally smashed what would always have been a difficult gala - with illness & injury meaning we had a flurry of last minute team changes who totally stepped up & swam their hardest. We came a creditable 7th place, with a few extra points lost along the way which was unfortunate, but that’s swimming!
We had amazing team spirit & the team fought for their places in some tight finishes with wins for Davey in 100 Fly, Tom in 100 Free (sub 60 club) & Mostafa in 100 Fly. There were breakthrough PBs for Rosie in 100 Breast, Ella in 100 Breast, Luca in 100 Fly, James in 100 Back & Jessica in 50 Back with Sophia, Ethan, Emily & Mollie posting some rapid relay times with all the chasing!! We need a special shout out to our youngest team member, Adam, who filled in at the last moment & absolutely wowed us all with his races
We said a sad good bye to two of our most special & longest standing members who have decided to hang up their goggles . Club Captain Michael Wu, who has swum at every level at the Club and has been a fantastic role model and team mate; his dedication to perfecting the pacing of a 200 Free will be a key legacy for me. And Frankie, a very popular team member and an absolute lynch pin in the team who always delivers the goods, technically great & super fast; Frankie has swum some of the most impressive 50 Fly races I’ve had the pleasure of watching. Thanks to both of you for your commitment and for bringing so much to the Club over the years. We will really really miss you
Thank you to Jennie M for organising all the galas behind the scenes, being in charge of printing & sorting out coach travel so that everyone could travel as a team, & for team managing every round. Thank you to Ian for being a fantastic Team Manager, motivating the swimmers & doing a fantastic job of “herding cats” to races & around the venue Thank you to Tess, Felicity & James who were our excellent Officials, to Helen, Jo & Jennie B for volunteering to do the door & to Coach Leah for bringing the best sparkly Xmas hats.
This month's Nominations for Swimmer of the Month were:-
Poppy P - Regional - Poppy was crowned Queen of the Camp at swim camp this year with a fantastic, consistent effort and attitude, and some fantastic training blocks delivered.
Harry B - Regional - Harry was crowned King of the Camp at swim camp for stepping up and making the jump to the next lane, with some absolutely cracking training performances across the week.
Sophia R - Regional - demonstrated a good attitude both in and out of the pool on swim camp.
Ella P - Regional -demonstrated a good attitude both in and out of the pool on swim camp.
Abel J - D1 - excellent racing and attitude at Club Champs.
Shymala D - D1 - great effort and team spirit at Club Champs.
Laurie S - Pre County - trains hard, listens to feedback and takes it all on board.
Tilly B- Competition - gets really stuck in to training and always asks for help if unsure. Always listens and gets on with the session.
And the winner was.....
Imogen T - D1 - for a fantastic attitude in training and great underwater skills, and for facing her fears and racing really well at Club Champs/Pointscore.
We are SO PROUD of Jasmine who was awarded the National Bronze Award for Technical Official of the Year this weekend at the Swim England National Award Ceremony. Becoming an Official was a fantastic feat of hard work and perseverance, and it’s all paid off! As Jasmine’s Mum rightly said “a learning disability and autism just doesn’t stop you” - well done Jasmine you inspire us every day.
Corey (pre county) is this month’s swimmer of the month for impressive swims at Trafford so soon after breaking his elbow.
That’s commitment and resilience right there!
Megan R (National)
For a great start to the year and putting the last 12 months behind her.
William M (Pre-County)
For great swims and attitude at Trafford gala.
Matthew G (Comp)
For commitment to racing at the Trafford gala with great results.
James F
For his commitment to land training attending every session and applying himself to every exercise taking on board feedback to get the most out of the session
Hannah Bi (Regional)
Over the last month she has been fully committed to the exercises in land training and has shown great strength.
Hugo M (D1)
For trying hard in training at the moment and always having a good attitude!
Jay R (D2)
For training really hard, and taking on feedback well! He has such a good attitude to swimming!
Erin M (County)
For a great start to the season, as she has a good work ethic and real perseverance in training.
What an incredible weekend! With 7 swimmers at Percy Mason, 25 at the Preston Xmas Cracker and 23 at the Trafford Xmas Cracker almost half the Club were competing! We had 2 first time county qualifiers in Lilia and Xander which is fantastic to see. Well done you two!
At Preston we had a huge PB rate with everyone swimming superbly and lots of county times. Ducks went to Imogen for 200 Fly, Hannah B for 200 Breast, Xander for 50 Back, Jessica S(o) for 50 Back, and Bea for 100 Free
At Trafford there were some fantastic swims also with ducks going to Sophia and Lilia for fantastic effort in 100m fc both with a 6 or 7 second PB, Maisy for a great race and 18 second PB in 200m fc, Issy for great swim in 50m fc with 9 second PB Ducks are also headed to Alex RT and Seraphina for great swimming.
Well done everyone, great swimming for a cold and rainy weekend lots to build on!
Without our Club helpers, Coaches and Officials these meets would not be able to happen and this weekend we were spread thinly! Thanks to TMs Ian, Nick, Felicity, Jennie, Sarah, Catherine, Emma & Gary and to Coaches Kristina, Jade & Andy (and I’ll give myself a mention too, Kate), plus volunteers at Trafford (Maria, Mandy, Jane, Steven and Max) plus all the Officials - I don’t get a list of these but I know Felicity was at Percy Mason, Jacqui and Felicity were at Trafford and Lindsay, James, Louisa and Nishma were at Preston (if I missed anyone please don’t be offended).
We are home! And that’s a wrap for Swim Camp 2024!
What a truly fantastic camp it was, on never to be forgotten... subways to Barcelona, hostels, rain, flash-floods, fire alarms - you name it, we did it! But the camp was a roaring success and we can't wait to do it again next year. Well done ASC, you are amazing.
Thanks to all the swimmers for being amazing, and well done for all the hard graft
A big thanks to Kristina, Stewart and Jade for being brilliant Team Managers and Coaches and for giving up a week of their lives for the swimmers. Your hard work means a lot … there was never a quiet moment
Well done to all of our award winners for 2024 and a warm welcome to our Club Captains for 2025, Hannah B and Michael W!
Thanks to outgoing Captains Isabelle D and Wendy D for being such fantastic Captains this year.
National Squad Swimmer of the Year - Wendy D
Regional Squad Swimmer of the Year - Toby H, Runner Up Thomas B
County Squad Swimmer of the Year - Alex R-T, Runner Up Jessica S
Pre-County Squad Swimmer of the Year - Adam H, Runner Up Sophia H
D2 Swimmer of the Year - Samuel L, Runner Up Isabelle W
D1 Swimmer of the Year - William S, Runner Up Jemima F
Competition Swimmer of the Year - Matilda S, Runner Up Lewis G
Senior Swimmer of the Year - Joseph A, Runner Up Jasmine S
Coaches' Swimmer of the Year - Emily I
Swimmers' Swimmer of the Year - Thomas R, Runners Up Hannah B and Sophia R - Nominees Alex R-T, Emily I, Evie S, Hannah B, Harry B, Isabella R, Isabelle D, Jessica S, Lilia M, Lily H, Mollie O, Oliver G, Olivia H, Oscar L, Poppy P, Sophia R, Thomas R and Wendy D
Chloe Waddell Memorial Trophy - Thomas R
Matt Parkes Shield - Mikaela J
Captains' Award - Oscar L
Well done to all of our fabulous swimmers who raced at the Trafford Borough early Bird Meet at Stretford! What a great day of swimming !!
With just under 50 swimmers racing, we have brought home lots of bling and lots of smiles.
Well done Alty, lots to build on this season.
We had the best day in Leeds at the Richmond Dales Summer Madness Meet.
We kicked off the sessions with some fantastic relays, which were loads of fun and the teams swam fantastically with some PBs to warm us up!
Lily won the first duck of the day for amazing cheering, closely followed by Beatrice! Jessica's mum won the best parent supporter duck too!
Daisy, Hannah and Imogen won ducks for best fancy dress (Spiderman goggles that looked like they had never been designed to get wet!) and Corey and Ian won ducks for fantastic breaststroke swimming over the last 2 weekends. Xander collected his 400 free Warrington Meet duck and Mikaela knocked a massive 14 second off her 200IM for a duck award. Mahathi smashed out the most incredible 50 breast for her first duck of the season! Sophia H was awarded a duck for her 200IM and also commitment to finding the ducks' sunglasses!
The team spirit was high and the swimmers were an absolute delight with lots of LOLs to mark what was for all of them the last meet of the season. A big thank you to Kristina and Ian who were fantastic Team Managers and to Nishma, James and Jacqui for being excellent Officials.
The medal tally was insane with 48 medals in one day with Daisy, Hannah and Eva and Rosie getting some clean sweeps in the 15 and overs.
Amazing work team
Winner: Sienna H - D1
We have loved watching Sienna grow in confidence and happiness. She was very nervous to start with and each week she's got braver and braver and recently she absolutely smashed club champs with huge smiles the whole time and her swimming is going from strength to strength. Well done Sienna, what a great journey and we hope you continue to really enjoy your time at ASC.
Nominations (For June & July)
Isabelle W - D2 - Isabelle always listens, always smiling, asks for feedback and has really made some good improvements in both racing at the club champs, and training.
Adam H - Pre County - Adam has been working really hard, he listens well and he is skilful and focuses on the detail. He always remembers to practice the skill the next session rather than just going back to what he's always done. His swimming is showing a lot of improvement and potential.
Rio – D1 for big improvements in technique since starting and brilliant streamline last week!
William – D1 for great attitude in training and listening well
Thomas B - Regional - showed a big improvement at the end of the season after a difficult time with a perforated ear drum which saw him out of the pool for a significant period.
Noah F - Pre County, great attitude and team spirit, he's worked hard to improve technique on all 4 strokes and he's really seeing the benefits!
Corey M - Pre County, fantastic enthusiasm and team spirit plus super fast breaststroke swimming
Jessica S[o] – County - Jessica has a great work ethic, she's a pleasure to train with in the lane and is technically very coachable, listening to instructions and practicing each skill carefully.
Beatrice E - County - fantastic team spirit and a positive person to have on the poolside; she's working hard on her swimming and has seen some great results but she always remembers to support the rest of the team too.
Daisy B -Regional - Daisy has made a big impact since she joined the squad, she's a great team player and has a strong work ethic. She's also bagged some club records for her hard work!
Winner: Sophia H, Pre County
Sophia demonstrates great commitment and focus in training and takes on technical feedback. Sophia has shown a great attitude towards both training and racing and her hard work is paying off with great improvements.
Nominations (For June & July)
Isabelle W - D2 - Isabelle always listens, always smiling, asks for feedback and has really made some good improvements in both racing at the club champs, and training.
Adam H - Pre County - Adam has been working really hard, he listens well and he is skilful and focuses on the detail. He always remembers to practice the skill the next session rather than just going back to what he's always done. His swimming is showing a lot of improvement and potential.
Rio – D1 for big improvements in technique since starting and brilliant streamline last week!
William – D1 for great attitude in training and listening well
Thomas B - Regional - showed a big improvement at the end of the season after a difficult time with a perforated ear drum which saw him out of the pool for a significant period.
Noah F - Pre County, great attitude and team spirit, he's worked hard to improve technique on all 4 strokes and he's really seeing the benefits!
Corey M - Pre County, fantastic enthusiasm and team spirit plus super fast breaststroke swimming
Jessica S[o] – County - Jessica has a great work ethic, she's a pleasure to train with in the lane and is technically very coachable, listening to instructions and practicing each skill carefully.
Beatrice E - County - fantastic team spirit and a positive person to have on the poolside; she's working hard on her swimming and has seen some great results but she always remembers to support the rest of the team too.
Daisy B -Regional - Daisy has made a big impact since she joined the squad, she's a great team player and has a strong work ethic. She's also bagged some club records for her hard work!
Day one of Warriors Meet
A big thank you to Warriors of Warrington for a fantastic meet today, we can’t wait to come back tomorrow!💙💛
Our hosts had pulled out all the stops with fantastic bespoke medals, very frequent sweets being brought around and excellent commentary… and the standard of swimming was great. There was something for everyone.
Our swimmers excelled themselves with both their attitude and their swimming, and there were lots of smiling faces💙💛
We won 47 medals on day 1… 21 of them were gold🥇
Thomas B🥇🥇🥉
Thomas S🥉🥇
We had simply loads of PBs too, the vibes were high!
Day 2 of Warriors meet
Another fantastic day for our swimmers at the awesome Warriors of Warrington Grand Prix! Today we won 44 medals - a total of 91 across the whole weekend! 46 x🥇 • 19 x🥈• 26 x🥉
What an amazing achievement! Here’s the combined medal tally for our swimmers.
Thomas B🥇🥇🥉🥇🥉🥇🥇🥇
Sophia H🥉🥇🥉🥇🥈
Thomas S🥉🥇🥇🥉🥉
Max W🥉🥉🥉
A huge thanks to Warrington for a fantastic meet - so well organised and friendly
Thank you to all of our Officials who made the gala work so well💙💛
Thank you to Ian, Louisa, Kristina, Emma and Nick for looking after the children so well as Team Managers this weekend💙💛
We had a fantastic afternoon at the Swim England North West & North East Open Water Regionals. A big well done to Sam, Tom and Emily for representing the Club in this prestigious event.
Huge well done to Sam in the 14 years 3k - 3rd in Cheshire.
Fantastic swim from Tom in the 13 years 2k, who won NW Regional Gold and Cheshire Gold, plus qualified for Nationals.
Awesome swim from Emily in the 19+ 5k, who won NW Regional Bronze and Cheshire Gold, plus qualified for Nationals. Emily always give us a little bit extra and today she almost literally went the extra mile by completing one extra lap after she had finished! Clearly she was enjoying the experience too much!
Well done everyone; what a great day.
Emily I in National, for a great regional campaign and an English National qualification in the 1500 free.
Emily is a true role model who is racing faster and faster each year improving both her skills, and her mindset. At age 19 Emily is the epitome of the value of swimming and keeping your focus throughout the difficult mid teenage years with plateaus, exams and peer pressure. Well done Emily, we are so proud of what you achieve.
This month’s nominations were:
Tom R, National - for winning 9 regional medals and gaining 8 English Nationals times. However, his success means more than this, he’s an incredibly hard worker, takes on board feedback, races with maturity and always cheers on his team mates.
Luca W – Regional - for 3 regional bronze medals and a near miss 4th! He raced with determination and resilience.
Ashley D – National - for Regional medals and English National qualification in 50 back. After training at the Loughborough Performance Squad Ash has been training on his own and with ASC this year, which make his achievement all the more impressive. Still got it Ash!
Wendy D and Simon H, National for getting so close to Nationals getting knocked out of the window on the last day 😢
Michael G, National for some really resilient Regional swims and missing the National window by a tiny margin.
Joint Winners - March Sophia H in Pre County for winning 3 bronze medals in her first gala for Altrincham SC aged only 9. Fantastic
racing Sophia! And Mollie O in Regional for consistently training incredibly hard and for recent improvements in her 100 Free swims at Wigan and Liverpool despite having had a really horrible month personally.
This month’s nominations were:
Luca W in Regional for great swims at Liverpool & Richmond Dales as his age group continues to get tougher.
Toby Holland in Regional (Runner Up) for training super hard every session and making some break through swims in races recently.
Olivia W in D2 for great training and really taking feedback well!
Jay in D1 great focus, effort and listening skills.
Jess in D1 for working hard and listening.
Zach C in Senior A for his dedication, just gets on with it and trains hard, always asks if he’s not sure - really takes ownership of his own training which is a mature development.
Simon H in National for an outstanding 100 Free at the Manchester International Meet, making a huge comeback in the 2nd 50 - not easy to do!!
This month’s Swimmer of the month is Tom R (National Squad) - Tom absolutely embodies the club ABCs, not only does he turn up to every session but he focuses on the session objectives and delivers every time. In terms of racing he won Top Boy at Counties in his age group with a raft of fantastic swims. Well done Tom!
This month’s nominations were:
Cheshire County 1500m Swimmers (Emily I, Isabelle D, Tom R, Sam M, Harry B, Luca W, Mollie O and Poppy P) for outstanding determination and great racing across this distance event.
Asser (Regional Development) for consistent hard work since joining the squad, moving up 4 lanes
James F (Regional Development) for really stepping up into a leadership role at the new look Pointscore. Everyone was very impressed!
Emily I (National Development) for being a true role model through both her excellent training ethic and her brave and committed approach to racing.
Imogen W (Regional Development) for taking on both the 200 Fly and 400 IM at counties with great results Lewis G (Competition) for working hard in training and always keeping everyone entertained and smiling Chloe L (Pre County) for making huge improvements through
hard work and determination
Mahati (D2) striving to improve, asking for feedback, great attitude and results
Evie S (Competition) for coming back from a really serious double injury breaking both wrists, showing determination and strength of character in difficult times.
Issy W (D1) for working hard, listening and taking feedback really well
Joseph had a fantastic weekend of swimming last weekend at Liverpool at the Special Olympics Regional Championships, winning Gold in the 50 Free, Gold in the 50 Breast and Bronze in the 4x25 Free relay!
What a great result for Joseph, and it's well deserved.
Joseph is also in the midst of training for a 100km Challenge to raise £100k for a Disability Sports and Youth Club Programme. Joseph is going to try and run 10x10ks in 10 European countries across 5 days (maximum 7), and we can't wait to see how he gets on. In the meantime, we will post some updates on his training.
If you would like to sponsor Joseph, here is the link SPONSOR JOSEPH
This weekend's Regionals was kicked off with a GOLD for Tom in the 800. Tom swam hard from the start with a gutsy swim, leading out the heat in strong form with a 16 second PB
7 Swimmers
1 Gold Medal
3 Bronze Medals
14 Finals
A huge well done to Michael, Simon, Mostafa, Ashley, Emily, Wendy and Isabelle for a fantastic Championships and to Kate, Dan and Michael for top notch poolside support
One of the biggest Level 1 Meets in the country this weekend at Derby Excel held at Ponds Forge and our swimmers absolutely stepped up. They swam a variety of events, didn’t obsess about times, swimming with heart and working on the process.
Extra big shout out to Sophia who was crowned 2nd best 11 year old of the meet! What a super star🌟
200 Back -Harry 14th, Imogen 11th, Hannah 9th
100 Fly -Michael 12th, Hannah 11th
800 Free -Sam 10th
200 Free -Harry 24th, Simon 16th, Mollie 22nd,Sophia 🥈Poppy 13th
100 Back -Imogen 11th, Hannah 6th, Harry 10th
50 Back -Michael 9th, Simon 25th, Imogen 5th, Hannah 7th, Sophia 4th, Eva 27th
400 IM -Sam 8th
50 Free -Harry 20th, Simon 10th, Michael 18th, Sophia 4th, Mollie 15th, Eva 35th
200 IM -Sam 16th, Sophia 2nd, Imogen 15th, Hannah 18th
1500 Free -Tom 🥇, Poppy , Mollie 4th
400 Free -Sam 15th
50 Breast -Michael 10th
50 Fly -Michael 5th, Simon 16th, Hannah 10th, Hannah Bi 18th, Eva 24th
100 Free -Harry 18th, Simon 8th, Michael 18th, Sophia💙, Mollie💛, Eva💙 (results not loaded)
Well done team, what a great weekend 💙💛💙💛
What a fantastic weekend of racing we have had across the whole Club this weekend!
We won 51 medals at the Richmond Dales meet with PBs galore and lots of smiling faces! It was a great long course experience for our youngest swimmers and it was the first long course meet since September for the rest of the squad. We are always made so welcome at Richmond Dales.
Thank you to all our Officials who represented the Club for the two long days and to Team Managers Martin, Jennie, Nick, Catherine and Coach Tess who did a wonderful job of looking after the swimmers.
Luca - 🥉🥈🥈🥇🥇
Mollie - 🥉
Tom - 🥇🥇🥈🥇🥇🥇
Oscar - 🥉🥈🥈
Mostafa - 🥈🥇
Eva - 🥈🥉
Oliver - 🥉
Asser - 🥈
Sam - 🥇🥇🥇
Isabelle - 🥇🥇
Emily - 🥈🥇🥈🥇🥇
Max W - 🥉
Ethan - 🥉
Harry - 🥈🥉
Toby - 🥈🥉
Imogen - 🥉🥈
Mikaela - 🥈🥈
Hannah - 🥇🥉🥇
Corey - 🥈
Ian - 🥉
Yaseen - 🥉
Jessica - 🥉
Poppy - 🥈
The winner this month is Alex R-T from Pre County - for determination and energy, working on both her skills and stamina, whilst still being A LOT of fun to coach Here are the nominations for this month;
Altrincham SC you SMASHED IT!
We had a record number of swimmers qualifying (35) and every single one of you went out there and swam your very very best.
💙 We won 64 medals compared with 29 in 2023 💙
🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇 25 x GOLD
🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈🥈16 x SILVER
🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉🥉 23 x BRONZE
*Not including the Junior and Senior medals won by Simon, Michael, Michael, Max & Emily
63 finals
119 Top 8 Finishes
121 PBs (not including finals)
💙 Tom Top 13 year old open male
💛 Luca 2nd 12 year old open male
💙 Simon 3rd 16 year old open male
💛 Sophia 6th 10/11 year old female
We award our Altrincham SC Top Girl and Top Boy to Emily and Tom who were completely inspiring in every way.
Thank you to ALL of the swimmers - you are incredible and you have worked so hard. Every achievement is so deserved.
Thank you to all of our Officials who spent so many hours concentrating across the 3 weekends !
Thank you to Dan, Michael, Kristina, Beth, Catherine & Jennie for the unwavering support on poolside marshalling and cheerleading the team 💙
Cheshire County Champs have been by far our most successful yet, and we can’t wait to ramp it up now for the long course season 💙💛💙💛
We've updated the meet calendar for the coming year. It's not exhaustive and I'm sure things will change during the year, but it should help to understand which galas are aimed at your swimmer and will hopefully help you plan for these.
You can find a copy of the calendar here
If you need a swimming hat, these are available for £5.50 each for the standard Club hat and we also have some ASC Bullet Hats back in stock (priced at £12.50). If you'd like to order one, please email
All other Club kit can be purchased through The Kit Stop website, or via the link here.
There is a ‘Members Resources’ section of the Members Area on the website and there is already lots of interesting and useful information on there, so please have a look if you haven’t already. Helen I, who is our most senior Official and coordinates our Pointscores, has recently put together some really useful links on the technical rules for each stroke which will help all swimmers to understand the rules better.
If you need to contact the Coaches for any reason, please remember to do this via email and not via Coaches' personal mobile phones, on text / WhatsApp etc. Messages should be sent by email to either or to
When shopping online, please consider raising funds for our club via the Easy Fundraising online service. Shopping doesn't cost you a penny more, but as you make purchases online shops make a donation to the club. All you do is register (it's good to click the "Find & Remind" button) and start shopping. Please give it a go and encourage others to do so too – it's effectively free money to benefit the members of our club! Thank you. More information is on the website, or via the link here.