Committee Roles 2024-25
Oliver Banks Chairman
Jennie McCusker Hon. Secretary
Ian Holland Hon. Treasurer
Catherine Burns Membership Secretary
James Proctor Competition Secretary
Nishma Shah Deputy Competition Secretary
Audrey Grundy Delegate to Local Associations
Philippa Lorains SwimMark Coordinator
Felicity Relph General Committee Member


Non-Committee Roles 2024-25
Kate Offord Head Coach
Jo Winter Wake Welfare Officer
Helen Hancock Welfare Officer
Terry Inns Webmaster
Helen Inns Pointscore Coordinator
Louise Pennington Kit Officer
Louisa Regan Social & Events Coordinator
Alice Tweed Junior Squad Representative
  BCM Team Manager
  Arena Team Manager
  Development Group Representative
Outgoing Committee members
2023 Thank you to outgoing Treasurer Darren Cornwall and outgoing Competition Secretary Song Wu who are leaving the Committee.
2022 Thank you to outgoing Secretary Louise Pennington and outgoing Competition Secretary Steve Donaldson who are leaving the Committee.
2021 Thank you to outgoing Chairman Anne Cotterell and to Paul Owen who is leaving the Committee.
2020 Thank you to outgoing Treasurer, Pete Singleton, and outgoing Chairman Helen Inns.
2019 Thank you to outgoing Treasurer, Liza Lang, and to Lana McGurk who are leaving the Committee.
2018 Thank you to outgoing Chairman Mandie Bates and to Fiona Waddell and Alec MacAulay who are leaving the Committee.
2017 Thank you to outgoing Chairman Alasdair Mackellar and to Jonathan Robinson, Helen Robinson, Mark Abbott and Richard Potter who are leaving the Committee.
2015 Thank you to Julia Kelly who is leaving the Committee.
2014 Thank you to our outgoing Chairman Martin Hicks and also Ben Crouch and Caroline Kinghorn who leaving are the Committee.
2013 Thank you from hundreds of swimmers and parents to Julie, Catherine and Linda for many years of service to ASC.